Overlay 86, 87, 90 used for BARS BARS Stages 1 - BARS Access Code 2 - Network Translation 3 - Supplemental Digit Restriction & Recognition 4 - Automatic Least Cost Routing 5 - Digit Manipulation 6 - Call Outpulsing 1 - BARS Access Code Overlay 86 Access Code 1 (AC1) Access Code 2 (NARS only) (AC2) Dial tone 2 - Network Translation Overlay 90 NPA Translation SPN translations NXX translations all have unlimited translations 3 - Supplemental Digit Restriction & Recognition Overlay 90 SDRR blocks After matching NPA, SPN, NXX in network translation tables, BARS checks SDRR blocks There can be up to 64 SDRR block #s for each translation tables Looks in following order - Deny - Blocks call - LDDD - Redirects to Attendant - LDID - Redirects to internal number Overlay 86 - Max # of SDRR blocks - up to 1500 4 - Automatic Least Cost Routing Overlay 86 & 87 - Route Selection & Route Eligibility Overlay 86 - ESN Set max # of RLI (Route List Indexes) (up to 256, or if FNP (Flexible Numbering Plan is installed up to 1000) Overlay 86 RLB (Route List Block) Each Route list Index contains Entry # Route # Trunk Type RLB Data Black contains routes to be scanned (as defined by adminstrator) for cost- effectiveness. BARS locates route list referenced in Network Translation Translation table. Top down in RLI entry until eligible trunk found for call completion When BARS locates least expensive route in RLI it applys additional Eligibility Criteria: - NCOS (Network Class of Service) defines FRL (Facility Restriction Level) - Eligibility Criteria is based on users NCOS which defines a FRL. NCOS provisioning divides companies users into 0-99 NCOS groups (for each customer) each with own eligibilty criteria for making outbound calls. - Overlay 86 & 87. - BARS uses FRL assigned to an NCOS to determine call eligibility. - RTCL (Routing Control) can be used to modify a groups NCOS when certain conditions occur. BARS also looks at Overlay 86 ESN datablock to determine TODS (Time of Day Schedule), and Overlay 87 FCAS Data Blocks to define Free Calling Area Screening - FCAS Criteria. TODS Overlay 86 ESN Data Block TODS (Time of Day Schedule) 0-7 schedules withing 24 hour day By default 0 is whole day, other schedules are portions of the day Adminstrator can use these schedule #s to turn off Route List Entries when applicable. Overlay 86 RLB Admin assigns Route List Entry to TOD schedule Each entry references all schedules 0-7. During provisioning, admin turns off access to entry for particular TODS. RLI - has Route List Entries that each can have TODS # = OFF to schedule off for different times (baseed on TODs defined in 86 ESN Data Block) FRL Overlay 86 RLB Data Block - Sets min FRL required to use each Route List Entry Each Route List Entry has a FRL listed with it. Overlay 87 NCTL Data Block assigns FRL to NCOSes. Callers NCOS/FRL is compared to Route List Entry’s FRL. If callers is >= than that route can be used. RTCL Overlay 86 changes users NCOS for set time. NCOS X goes to Y during time period. Special TODS (#7) is used. Or ETOD (Extended Time of Day) - specified day or days (1-7 Sun-Sat) ESN data block or RTC key on Attendant console FCAS Free Calling Area Screening True 6 digit NPA + NXX screening Allows or denies NXXs folling NPA dialed. RLI # Entry # each has Route and FCI (Free Calling Index) #s FCI # tables has entries (NXXes for NPAs) deny or allow. Overlay 86 ESN Data Block - MXFC (Max Free Calling Area Screening Index Max # of Free Call Area Screening Indexes (tables) allowed Overlay 86 RLB Data Block - Admin Ids FCI (Free Calling Area Screening Index) FCI is ref to FCAS table when screening required. FCI 0 is (default and) no Free Call Area Screening Overlay 87 FCAS data block - defines FCAS tables 5-Digit Manipulation Overlay 86 - ESN data block - max # of dig manipulation tables - RLB data block references a Digit Manipulation Index (DMI) in Rout List Index. - DGT data block - defined parameters of this DMI - delete or insert leading digits - DMI 0: no digit manipulation needed ESN Electronic Switched Network Multi location interswitch or small business access to alternate trunking facilities. ESN Node - SL1, Meridian SL1, or Meridian 1 switch w/ NetSIGnaling, NetClassOfService, NARS/BARS or CDP) DTN Switch - AT&T switch that can provide a Traveling Class Mark (TCM) and is connected to an ESN Node via tie trunks… ESN Main - SL1, Meridian SL1, or Meridian 1 w/ NSIG and NCOS connected to a ESN Node via Tie Trunks Convential Main - Any switch connected to ESN Node without NSIG or NCOS Satellite Location - Any switch connected to any Main Main via Tie Trunks Virtual Location is any switch configured as part of private network, but has not been connected to rest of network via tie trunks… -------PSTN------- Satellite Loc -- -- | Virtual Location ETN Switch<->ESN Node<->ESN Main ATT sw NSIG NSIG NCOS NCOS NARS/BARS or CDP | Conventional Main Uniform Dialing Plan Same dialing plan everywhere… Coordinated Dialing Plan CDP # followed by DN at another location LSC - Local Steering Code - Ids PBX performing call routing, provides internal station translation only, provides uniformity where variable dialing plans are supported. DSC - Distant Steering Code TSC - Trunk Steering Code CDP DN - CDP Steering code followed by DN Overlay 87 - CDP LSC and delete # of digit defined. LSC may be deleted by CDP software CDP sw may have more than one LSC assigned internal DNs unique and of same length at each location, LSCs not necessary DSC - OnNet calls to other switches Ids another PBX in the CDP group Provides call routing to a station at a distant location is associated with a Route List Index (RLI) DSC outpulsed with other dialed digits on outgoing trunk Auto LCR eligibility criteria for TODS & NCOS/FRLs may be applied Dig Manipulation may change digits to confirm to requirements DSC + other dialed digits must confirm to the CDPDN length edefined in Overlay 86 ESN datablock TSC - Provides centralized access to PSTN Ids route access codes at another PBX Used when call is routed to PSTN via a facility at a distant PBX in CDP group Can be used I conventional main to ESN access codes (AC1/AC2) at another ESN location Associated with a Route List Index (RLI) outpulsed, with other digits, on outgoing trunk Can be BARS/NARS AC1/AC2 at distant PBX or an ACOD. Auto LCR eligibility criteria for TODS & NCOS/FRLs may be applied Digit Manipulation may be applied to dialed digits