create inbound dial peer for pots match any DNIS setup up DTMF to relay via h245 alphanumeric use G711 ulaw create outbound dial peer for pots match any 4 digit number starting with a 5 forward all 4 digits prefix 5551212 before the digits send it out the pri on 0/0:23 create outbound dial peer for pots match 4 digits 6312-6537 with no 2 in 3rd digit and no 6 in 4th digit send to ip address create number substitution (global) any 4 digit number starting with 2 gets changed to 4000 send 4000 out port 0/0/2 create translation rule 1 for 3 components change 3456 to 4444 change npa555xxxx to npa444xxxx change everything else to 3000 put translation rule 1 into profile testout set up a pots dial peer match 5.... (5 will get stripped) send it out port 0/0:23 apply the testout profile on the way out